
It is a condition in which the primary characteristic is excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain. The excessive accumulation of CSF results in an abnormal widening of spaces in the brain called ventricles. This widening creates potentially harmful pressure on the tissues of the brain. 

In infancy, the most obvious indication of hydrocephalus is often a rapid increase in head circumference or an unusually large head size. Other symptoms may include vomiting, sleepiness, irritability, downward deviation of the eyes, and seizures. 

Symptoms of normal pressure hydrocephalus include, problems with walking, impaired bladder control leading to urinary frequency and/or incontinence, and progressive mental impairment and dementia. An individual with this type of hydrocephalus may have a general slowing of movements or may complain that his or her feet feel "stuck. Excessive pressure on the brain can result in physical problems in babies or children which may affect their physical development, achievement of milestones, balance, coordination or mobility. 

Rehabilitation, physiotherapists can provide treatment of a child’s physical problems in order to maximize their potential and quality of life. Aims of treatment will vary according to the child’s needs and age but may include: 

1.Promoting achievement of physical milestones such as sitting, standing, crawling-             
            Usually Physiotherapists focusing or helps to improve their ADL( Activities of Daily Living) activities of their routine life. For achieving this, physiotherapists used Neuro Developmental Therapy, stretching and strengthening activities, Balance and postural awareness exercises etc. By this way they can achieve or get improvement in ADL activities.

2.Maximizing independence in mobility .

           In hydrocephalus , some of kids having dependency n some ways, Physiotherapists will make them independent by use of special techniques progressively. 

3.Exercises to improve balance and coordination .

           In upper motor lesions ( involvement of brain and spinal cord), most of patients having balance and co ordination problems. Physiotherapists taking special care of this kids and giving tailored exercises for them in accordance with their requirements. 

4.Exercises to stretch or strengthen tight or weak muscles.

             In upper motor lesions, You can see lot of deformities like foot drop, Knee and hip flexion contractures, etc.. in which these kind of contractures or deformities, one side of muscles usually getting weakness while other side getting tightness. So physiotherapists applied stretching for tightened muscles, strengthening for weak muscles

5.Improving confidence and quality of life .

              While achieving Nearby normal ADL activities, Patient will get self confidence, this leads to give good quality of life

6.Improving tolerance and stamina

              If we are having less muscle power, these muscles will get tiredness soon, due to weakness. Once you get good muscle power , if you do the same work, you can work for long time. So try to rehabilitate these kind of kids through physiotherapy, then only you can get desirable results soon. 
