Accupuncture vs Physiotherapy

Nowadays Acupuncture is becoming more widely used and accepted treatment throughout the medical community. Many physiotherapists offer acupuncture as a treatment modality as part of physiotherapy management. Dry needling is a kind of acupuncture technique, we are using worldwide.


Acupuncture techniques were used by Chinese in olden days, Acupuncture involves inserting fine needle into specific points located throughout the body to help relieve pain or have other therapeutic effects. There may be a mild aching sensation around the site of the needle, they are extremely fine and are often hardly felt.  There are many modern theories as to why acupuncture works and there has been much scientific research carried out to help prove these theories.

When physiotherapists use Acupuncture, they use disposable, single use, pre-sterilized needles of varying widths and lengths. A number of needles may be used at each treatment and these are typically left in position for up to 30 minutes before being removed depending on the response required. A needle may then be manipulated until a tingle sensation is felt (a tingling or often warm heavy sensation that can spread away from the area of the needle).
Pain relief may be immediate or develop over a few hours or days. Acupuncture often has a cumulative effect, with pain relieving affects building up over a series of treatments. There are some possible side-effects, mostly they are rare, but can include light-headedness, dizziness, tiredness, slight bruising or muscle aching after treatment. 
What Acupuncture doing in treatment?
Acupuncture may be suggested by your physio for a variety of conditions. It is often used as an adjunct in the management of:
  • Acute and chronic injuries
  • Back and neck pain
  • Muscle and joint problems
  • Nerve pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Sports injuries
Qualified practitioner

Physiotherapists choose to complete weekend courses which cover trigger point dry needling only (dry needling is the use of needles for therapy of muscle pain/ tension).
It’s advisable that physiotherapists who use acupuncture and /or dry needling as a treatment with patients have completed an appropriate level of training and are engaged in ongoing professional development activities. You should feel free to ask your physiotherapist about the level of training they have completed.
Acupuncture is safe method of treatment:
Acupuncture, when provided by an appropriately trained physiotherapist is generally very safe. However with all treatments there is a small amount of risk. Your physiotherapist will discuss the risks associated with your specific treatment, and if necessary can discuss alternative treatment options with you. If you are feeling uncomfortable about a particular method of treatment, you have the right to consult another physiotherapist for a second opinion. 
It is one of the more profitable and acceptable method to overcome the pain....
