Low back pain (LBP) is a common disorder involving the muscles, nerves, and bones of the back. Pain can vary from a dull constant ache to a sudden sharp feeling. Low back pain may be classified by duration as acute (pain lasting less than 6 weeks), sub-chronic (6 to 12 weeks), or chronic (more than 12 weeks).
Back pain, one of the major musculoskeletal pain problems. Nowadays peoples are mostly affected by this condition, due to our lifestyle changes, loss of physical activity, obesity, eating fast food items, etc..
All of us who treat patients with low back pain have first-hand experience of patients with a long history of chronic pain and disability. Many have had multiple treatments from alternative therapists, physiotherapists, drug therapy, talking therapies, injection therapies and surgery.
Back pain described as “simply a mechanical disturbance of the musculoskeletal structures or function of the back. We cannot diagnose any specific pathology. We cannot even localise the source of most soft tissue pain. Some doctors and therapists do claim to be able to diagnose the site and nature of the lesion in many patients.
Nowadays many more peoples are struggling with LBP. Due to our mechanical life , our working ergonomics, stress and depression, osteoporosis, ageing process etc...
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