Importance of core strengthening and its strengthening exercises:

                  Some people don't have any awareness about Core muscles and its imporatance. Lot and lot people believing Abdominal and back muscles are only core muscles. But infact,  The major muscles of the core reside in the area of the belly and the mid and lower back (not the shoulders), and peripherally include the hips, the shoulders and the neck.Major muscles included are the pelvic floor muscles, Transverse Abdominis, Multifidus, Internal and External Obliques, Rectus abdominis, Erector Spinae especially the Longissimus thoracis, and the Diaphragm. Minor core muscles include the Latissimus dorsi, Gluteus maximus, and Trapezius.


Functions of the core
                       It  provides internal pressure to expel substances (vomit, feces, carbon-laden air, etc.). Continence is the ability to withhold bowel movements, and urinary stress incontinence can result from the weak core musculature. Women use their core muscles, especially transverse abdominis, during labor and delivery. So if we are having strong core , pregnancy will be easier than weak core having women.Core muscles also involved in "Valsalva maneuver"  While the breath need to assist, often involuntarily, in activities such as lifting, pushing , excretion and birthing

Importance of core muscles in body movements :
                       Core muscles help assume most of all functional movements. So we want to improve body function and fitness , We have to have a good core muscles strength. Most of the posture of the body based on your lumbar spine so it is well determined by core muscles. because core muscles align the spine, ribs, and pelvis of a person. It helps to resist a specific force, whether static or dynamic. Core muscles also act as a stabilizer and force transformer center than prime mover.

Strengthening exercises:
Most of the back pain is mainly due to weak core muscles. When our abdominals are weak, it's often because our back muscles are overly strong. Building core strength will help bring balance to the front and back of your body.So we have to strenthen our core muscles to do your daily activities and overcome your back pain as well.

If you have back problems, osteoporosis, Heart problems or other health concerns,  consult your doctor or physiotherapists before doing these core-strengthening exercises.You can do these exercises  under their guidance or supervision,  

Tummy vacuum :

These are a simple, yet powerful core-conditioning exercise; Standing on four leg position(dog) , Pull your tummy inside and hold it for 5 seconds. 8 Repetitions.

Clam shell:

Side lying position, knee and hip in 45 degree flexion. Then raise the upper knee like a clam shell while heels are together. In this clam shell opened position hold it for 10 secs, and 8 times for each side.

Dead bug:

First pic shows the starting position . Afterwards You are going to move opposite side hand and leg , while hand moving upwards , leg moving downwards. The other pair of the hand and leg hold in starting position. 8 Repetitions per each side.

Band anti rotation:

Image showing starting position of the exercise. Then stretch out the band and hold it for 10 secs. 10 Repetitions for each sides.

Bird dog:

First image showing the starting position of the exercise, Afterwards you can raise the opposite side of hand and leg. Hold it for 10 seconds. 8 Repetitions   for each side.
